

"Security Circles for Consulting in Telecommunication and Information Technology Institution aims to be one of the main references in electronic security in the region".



"To bring awareness to the community and raise the level of efficiency in electronics security, and to provide the necessary consulting".

our courses

PC & Smart DevicesSecure Using

The urgent need for the safety of computer systems has figured...

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Recent studies have shown that young people are the most...

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Secure Women

A large share for Arab Women of the accelerating use of the ...

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The Secure Manager

The Company's managers set with different responsibilities ...

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Social Networks Protection and Safety

We live in the era of electronic communication velocities....

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Network Security

The world has recently turned very rapidly toward ..

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Technical Security Concepts

The latest phenomenal and enormous advances....

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Encrypt Files and E-mails

Cryptography has been known since a long time ago...

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Copyright 2022 Security Circles. Developed By Enad abuzaid