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Social Networks Protection and Safety

Social Networks Protection and Safety

Members' Expected Outcomes:

  • Learning the secrets of social networking sites.
  • The security holes in the various uses of social networking sites.
  • Acquire the skill to apply the necessary steps to protect the social networking sites.


  • 2 days

Related Course

course outline

The Need for Training

  • We live in the era of electronic communication velocities. So they call it now in this world, which has become too small, thanks to the expansion of technology.
  • As usual, it cannot be without an order from the other alone. Its openness is unsafe, and what led him from a lot of obstacles and calamities security on several levels.
  • Therefore, it was necessary to save the interest of the safety of this person and to move forward towards the identification of the basics of safe handling of these sites, especially since dispensed is a fantasy.


  • Know how to open an account on social networking sites.
  • Know how to use social networking sites.

Targeted Categories

  • Internet users and Social networks users.

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